‘Beyond Bridges – Migration, Masculinities and Risk Behaviour – An Educational Intervention in Southern and Eastern UP’
‘Beyond Bridges – Migration, Masculinities and Risk Behaviour – An Educational Intervention in Southern and Eastern UP’
‘Beyond Bridges – Migration, Masculinities and Risk Behaviour – An Educational Intervention in Southern and Eastern UP’
Forum to Engage Men – Review of Projects, Programmes and Interventions to Engage Men and Boys in the Fight Against Gender Based Violence
Men Who Care: A Multi-Country Qualitative Study of Men in Non-Traditional Caregiving Roles CHSJ collaborated on an international project with Instituto Promundo and the International Center for Research on Women on case studies of men in non traditional caregiving roles
Engaging Men To Prevent Gender-Based Violence: A Multi-Country Intervention And Impact Evaluation Study CHSJ participated in a multi-country project to engage men and boys in preventing violence against women and promote gender equality. The project deliberately sought to test and evaluate an array of interventions to engage young and adult men in GBV prevention. (Attachment…
‘Sambandh Aur Sambandh Bodh’ (Hindi): Relationship Between Men, Masculinities and Violence on Women-An Intervention
Engendered Accountability for Responsive Health Governance: Intervention with Adivasi Men in Madhya Pradesh for Accountability in Maternal Health
CHSJ Praxis – Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Justice
Understanding Masculinities & Working With Men And Boys For Gender Justice In India: Experiences of Practitioners in India Report of Forum to Engage Men (FEM) National & Regional Conclaves 2015-16
CHSJ’s Theory of Change for Mobilising Men for Gender Justice in Highly Patriarchal Settings: Report by Patrick Welsh